Ensuring comfort on the site
Ensuring comfort on the site

Ensuring comfort on the site

The lighting on the site should match the brightness of daylight or be as close to it as possible. The fact is that in low light, people tire quickly, reduces attention and ability to perceive new information. In addition, with good light, a photo report from the event will be better.

For the comfort of guests at the site should not be cold and not hot. Provide additional opportunity to ventilate or heat the room. If heating doesn’t work very well, warn guests to dress warmer.

There may be more guests in the room than there are seats. For example, if you have two parallel speakers, and the guests are not evenly distributed over the areas. In this case you just need to quickly add chairs.

Keep in mind that the guests will arrive by car. Provide enough parking space near the conference venue. Parking should be free for your participants.

If the entrance to the parking lot has a permit regime, arrange with the administration to remove the restriction for the duration of the conference in advance. If this is not possible, send out passes for the cars, find out and write down the numbers of the guests’ cars in advance and meet them yourself.

The main thing is that guests should not be delayed at the entrance. The last thing you want to see on the day of the event is a queue in the parking lot. In terms of emotional intensity, it’s almost a breakdown of the conference. Stress on the road in the morning is not good for anyone.

Provide clean toilets, availability of toilet paper, soap. Arrange with the site administration for cleaners who will keep order throughout the day.

There will be people smoking at the conferences. Designate a smoking area.

Provide an adequate number of trash cans at the venue. Make sure trash does not accumulate.

Take care of free drinking water on site. Set up several coolers and make sure they have water and disposable cups.

Set up coffee breaks during the gathering period and during breaks. Provide coffee, tea and snacks.

Guests need a place to eat. Take care of the availability of inexpensive and delicious dining facilities when selecting a venue. Also, print and send in advance a list of caterers located near the conference venue.

The lobbies should provide places where people can sit and socialize in a relaxed atmosphere.

During the cold season, checkrooms and checkroom attendants should be available. Self-service should be excluded in order to avoid the situation when someone did not take a number, and then mixed up things.

Please send the guests the map to the place of the conference in advance. This is especially important if you are expecting participants from other cities.

Zone the space. For example:

  • reception area;
  • rooms for lectures or master classes;
  • a coffee break area;
  • photo-zone;
  • stage area;
  • networking area;
  • entertainment zone.